
Showing posts from October, 2021

Reflection 10/25


Reflection 10/22/21

 Today was not a good day, i woke up sick and not feeling well, my stomach isn’t feelings good and i have a huge headache, I stayed home from school yesterday and today for the same reasons and hopefully i feel better before Sunday. I stayed home and did my school work from here, i’m not sure whats wrong but i don’t want to get anyone else sick so i’d rather stay home and do my work until i get myself back together. This week was a pretty good week other than Thursday and Friday but other than this I’ve been doing alright, life could do me worse so I appreciate the good days i have.

Reflection 10/12/21

 Today was a good day, we worked on our mini project more today and for my project i did a Facebook page of Celie from the movie and book the color purple. I have to make daily post as if i’m living the life of celie and its kinda difficult because i do not know how to work Facebook, its coming together slowly but surely though.

Reflection 10-6-21

 Today is the first day of the break and i am honestly so happy because i was about to fall apart mentally, like my mind was on so much at one time these three days. I had two tests today one in first period and one in second period, i feel like i passed my test in seconds period now first block i’m not sure…. lol I hope i passed. After lunch the day is really over and I can’t wait to go home and take a nap!