
Showing posts from August, 2021

Creative writing 8/25/21


Reflection 8/18/21

 Today was a cool day, we did some good work in all my classes and i got a lot done. In my 3rd period we did a group assignment and that was fun, we split the class in two groups and broke down two different poems. In my other classes (mainly Spanish) we didn’t do much but thats never a problem, we did a Spanish worksheet and it was a quick 100. 

Reflection 8/17/21

 So today in school we talked about another poem in 3rd block, but this poem was about discrimination and being treated unfairly because of our skin colour. We watched a short film about that topic and answered questions on paper. After school i had a volleyball game and that was fun! Although we lost we still had fun and played to our fullest ability.

Reflection 8/16/21

 Today in class we talked about the history of Black people, during class we read a poem and talked about the Mississippi river along with the Congo and Nile River. We talked about how black people as a whole are Wise and relates to the flow of a river as the flow in human blood. We also talked about how the human race originated in Africa and the first skeleton looked just like our skeleton in the 21st century.

Reflection 8/11/21

 Today we talked about components of a complex text and we went over the steps and everything. School was good so far and I still cant wait to go home, i never eat at school so i stay hungry all day unless i bring snacks and a drink. My birthday is on the 12th and i’m not really celebrating it but i did something with my family last weekend and I really enjoyed that, i didn’t do anything but school today so that basically sums it all up.

Introduction 8/10/21

 Hello, Im Camille Mikell and I'm a student at Cedar Grove High School, my favourite book to read is twilight and i also love every movie they have. I am the youngest of 3 I have a older brother and sister. I am a manager for the volleyball team here at cedar grove and i love it. After school if I'm not at practice i’m at home with my sister and little cousins taking care of them until my mom gets home. I don't enjoy doing that everyday but its something productive to do. My birthday is this month so i’m celebrating all month long, i’m turning 16 on the 12th and i’m so exited, i mean who wouldn’t be excited about their 16th birthday right. I don’t do much everyday so i don’t have much to tell but that basically sums up things about me. Oh