
 Today i missed my test so i had to sit in ISS until 11:16 and then we went to our 3rd period class and talked about different topics. This week is testing week so its a slow week for us.

Reflection 11/12/21

 Today was a good day of course its Friday, school was cool, we finished a benchmark in my 3rd period and it was alright, after school i go home clean up and take a 2 hour nap, Fridays are my clean up and nap days so i can prepare for my weekend, i’m going to a party Saturday and i dont think i’m going home before 12, so i have to make sure my room and bathroom is clean when my mom gets home.

Reflection 10/25


Reflection 10/22/21

 Today was not a good day, i woke up sick and not feeling well, my stomach isn’t feelings good and i have a huge headache, I stayed home from school yesterday and today for the same reasons and hopefully i feel better before Sunday. I stayed home and did my school work from here, i’m not sure whats wrong but i don’t want to get anyone else sick so i’d rather stay home and do my work until i get myself back together. This week was a pretty good week other than Thursday and Friday but other than this I’ve been doing alright, life could do me worse so I appreciate the good days i have.

Reflection 10/12/21

 Today was a good day, we worked on our mini project more today and for my project i did a Facebook page of Celie from the movie and book the color purple. I have to make daily post as if i’m living the life of celie and its kinda difficult because i do not know how to work Facebook, its coming together slowly but surely though.

Reflection 10-6-21

 Today is the first day of the break and i am honestly so happy because i was about to fall apart mentally, like my mind was on so much at one time these three days. I had two tests today one in first period and one in second period, i feel like i passed my test in seconds period now first block i’m not sure…. lol I hope i passed. After lunch the day is really over and I can’t wait to go home and take a nap! 

Reflection 9/30/21

 Today was a good day! Today was throw back Thursday and half the whole school dressed out as people in the 90s, also today in American literature we finished presenting our group projects and went over them with the class. After school i’m going home cleaning up and going to sleep.